Our doctors provide at home veterinary visits for a wide variety of household pets.They are known for reliable service, flexible scheduling and excellent follow-up. Services include:. Diagnosis and treatment of medical problems .
With our extensive experience and broad array of resources, we are able to offer a wide variety of veterinary services for you and your pet while saving you time and money.
Our mobile veterinary services also include:
-Annual Check-Ups (including Taking Blood, Urine, and Fecal Collection for Laboratory Evaluation)
-Behavioral counseling
-Vaccines and Titer Evaluation
– Microchip Implantation
– Health Certificates for Travel (European Certified) and Boarding Facilities
– Diagnosis and Treatment of Medical Issues (including Administration of Fluids and Medication)
-Veterinarian emergency care
-Post-operative home care
-Geriatric wellness packages
-Cancer treatment and referrals
-Hospice-style programs for pets with inoperable or terminal diseases
-At-Home Euthanasia Service (including Final Care Arrangements of Either Cremation or Burial) . Annual check-ups and wellness exam